Gold Loan

  • Loan for a variety of personal needs

  • Use your gold as collateral

  • Flexible repayment methods

Ask for a loan

I was a home based beautitian. Now I own a saloon and I am making my parents proud thanks to Advans Pakistan.

Detailed description

Who is eligible ?

  • 18 years and above
  • You shouldnt be a defaulter of any other financial institution


  • Loan up to 75% of your gold value
  • Flexible repayments methods
  • Gold EMI Loan: Repayment at equal monthly instalments 
  • Gold Bullet Loan: Repayment at maturity
  • Processing fee: 6% deducted from loan

What do I need to apply ?

  • Valid CNIC
  • Gold officially valued (can be done in Advans branch)
  • Biometric verification


Q: How long does it take to process a loan application?
A: The processing time for our loan facility takes  maximum of 7 working days as long as all documents have been submitted, appraised and deemed satisfactory. Disbursement can then be done to the client within the stipulated 7 days.

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